Recently students in M5, M6 and M9 had the opportunity to visit Auckland Zoo. What an exciting experience it was for them to see animals out and active in their enclosures.
They were thrilled to watch lions expertly climbing trees, giraffes munching on leaves and monkeys dangling from their tails. Students were fascinated to observe the behaviour of different animals and learn how they interact with their environment.
One of the things we found most interesting was learning about the native birds and species in New Zealand and how they have adapted to their habitats. We saw a variety of native birds, including the famous cheeky kea, and learned about the challenges kea face in their natural environments. We were fascinated to learn how they are protected by so many different conservation programs.
Overall, the trip to Auckland Zoo was an unforgettable experience that allowed us to reinforce the learning we’d been doing about the whio and other native endangered species. We would highly recommend a visit to the Auckland Zoo for anyone who wants to learn more about the wildlife of New Zealand.