Welcome to our Junior school community. We’re so excited to have you and our Junior students join us in 2024.
Wednesday 7th February was an exciting morning for many junior students at Owairoa Primary School as they eagerly walked into school excited to meet their new teacher and catch up with their classmates. For just over 20 students it was extra exciting as this was their very first day at school.
We have started the year with 7 Year 1 classes and 6 Year 2 classes. These classes are divided into three Junior teams and led by three experienced Team Leaders: Miss Tracey Haugh (Team 1A), Mrs Michelle Geddes (Team 1B) and Mr Alex Cornea (Team 2).
It was so pleasing to see how everyone settled into their classroom so quickly and got on to learning new routines and expectations. Making friends, relating positively with others, learning new routines and expectations, and creating a warm, safe, learning environment are initially taking priority in programmes in all classes.
Our Junior Staff and I look forward to working with all our junior students and their whanau this year. We’re here to make this journey a smooth and enjoyable one for you and your child. Let’s make 2024 an incredible year of growth and discovery.
– Kirsty Rice, Associate Principal