Tuesday 8th February saw over sixty New Entrants start school at Owairoa Primary School for the very first time. For many of these new entrants, this date has been a long time coming as the Auckland Covid lockdowns had prevented many of these students starting in 2021.
Our first day was also special for all the other students in the Junior school as it was the first time many had been in the classroom with all their friends and classmates for nearly six months. There were lots of happy faces as students reconnected with friends and got to know their new teacher.
I was really pleased to see how settled and happy everyone was in their new rooms. Making friends, relating positively with others, learning new routines and expectations and creating a warm, safe, learning environment has taken a priority in all classroom programmes.
In the Junior School we have started the year with fourteen classes; seven Year 1 classes and seven Year 2 classes. These classes are divided into three teams and led by three capable Team Leaders: Miss Tracey Haugh (Team 1A), Mrs Ariana Miller (Team 1B) and Mr Alex Cornea (Team 2).
We look forward to working with all our junior students and their whanau this year on their learning journey. We wish all our Owairoa students and their families a wonderful 2022.
– Mrs Kirsty Rice, Assistant Principal