For quite some time, the classrooms in the G block have been empty, patiently awaiting the arrival of students who would fill them with their presence and learning.
The silence of these classrooms broken, only by the soft murmurs and faint hum of learning from the year two classes, G1 and G2. But finally, Room 10, 11, 12 and 13 have moved in. The year 2 students are now all together at last, and the G-block has become much nosier! There are voices that carry excitement, more footsteps heard on the deck and more chatter between friends at lunch eating. We love to call it our place for learning, as it’s known as the ‘Great-block’.
A note of appreciation goes out to the Property Team for lifting and transporting all the furniture and resources. Also, a huge thank you to the Year 2 teachers who moved. They brought colour to these classrooms which were blank canvases. They put up educational displays and colourful artwork of past lessons to quickly create a vibrant atmosphere of learning for their students. There quick work made the transition seamless.
The big move has taught us that the true essence of a classroom lies in the students and teachers – they give it their energy, ideas and enthusiasm, bringing the room to life.