This week Room 11 learners went on a walk around the school and were excited to visit the new school building. We were lucky enough to have a guided tour, as Mrs Humphreys kindly showed us around.
According to the Year 2 students the best features of the new building are: the colourful, clean carpet, the sliding doors that you can write on, the big cubby holes for the bags, the humongous yellow slide, the “orange” room, the nice smell and the heaters in the ceiling. They were also impressed by the big TV screens, the elevator and the fenced off area under the stairs “where they put the naughty children”.
Once back in the classroom, the students were busy writing their impressions. …and the writing looked really good because all of them wanted to prove that they are good learners and they are ready to go to Year 3 and, of course, move into the new building!