With great enthusiasm, the Junior School Poetry competition took place on Thursday morning in the school hall. All 18 poetry finalists delivered outstanding poems that captivated the audience. Congratulations to all the finalists for their courage and bravery in front of their teachers, peers, and families. Although it was the first time for many of the learners, they captivated their audience with their clear, confident voices and entertaining gestures.
We want to give a big thank you to our judges, Mr McIntyre and Mrs Rice for their hard work in judging our talented learners. While they made the most important decision of the day, the parents were treated to a couple of songs sung enthusiastically by the Junior School.
Congratulations to all the learners who worked hard to learn and present their poems in front of their classmates. We are amazed by their growth of confidence to present in front of their peers. This has been a great opportunity for our learners to show their R.I.S.E values by encouraging each other to do the best that they can while striving for Excellence.