This term in the Junior School we have some very exciting things happening! We are lucky enough to visit Motat in Week 2 to learn about different inventions in preparation for our Inventors Fair at the end of the term and delve into our Science topic of Materials. This term our learners will be fair testing, comparing and sorting a range of materials while learning about their properties. This information will be vital to help support them during their research, design and creation stages of ISTEAM when creating an invention that solves a real-life problem.
At the end of last term, we were lucky enough to have The Auckland Council come and perform a play about scrap rubbish and the use of bins in Tamaki Makaurau. The performance was incredibly creative and captured the attention of our learners to do their part in reducing, reusing, and recycling. A massive thank you to The Auckland Council for their performance as it had perfect ties to this term’s topics for us.
This term our beautiful Owairoa has its Green Gold review, so Room 9 have been doing their part in learning about sustainability as well as different native New Zealand animals. They had a term focus on the Kiwi where they researched and learned information on the survival of Kiwis, their habitats and their characteristics.
They wrote fantastic stories to describe the kiwi and learnt new vocabulary such as nocturnal and burrow to include in their stories. Room 9 finished the term by creating a textured piece of art depicting a kiwi in its habitat through the use of ripped paper. This art piece not only looks fantastic but was a fine motor skill challenge for the new entrant students.
We look forward to another productive term and all of the exciting learning opportunities it will bring!