Week 7 has approached and Owairoa pupils are buzzing with excitement. Swimming begins! While most adults are shuddering at the thought of immersing themselves in cold water, pupils are gleefully grabbing towels, swim caps and googles. To them, swimming on what is not typically a very hot day, presents no challenge.
So, on Monday morning the first class marched down to “break the ice”. All that could be heard from neighbouring classes was delightful squeals as the water first hit them, followed by occasional splashes. Pupils will be focusing on entering and exiting the pool safely, gaining confidence in the water, floating, gliding, kicking, developing free-style techniques, racing and fun activities. The first day of the swimming programme started well.
Another exciting event in Year 2 is the music/sound unit. At the beginning of the term Musical Al visited. He showed a huge range of instruments made in his home using household equipment. Children and teachers were astounded by the range of instruments displayed and the easy access to material used within an average household.
As the term has rolled on, pupils have been making and experimenting with handmade instruments such as pan flutes, banjos, guitars and tambourines and have developed a knowledge of how instruments work. It has been an invaluable experience in terms of how sound works, how it relates to music and how unused household times can be reused and recycled. It has also given lots of tips for activities over the school holidays!