Room 3 has been roaring about statistics! In Maths, we have been learning how to present data through tally charts. We read the popular picture book ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ and decided to collect data on who has seen a tiger before.
Students practiced writing their name on a piece of paper and placed their name on the whiteboard under the correct heading on the whiteboard. We learnt how to interpret the data and realised that everyone in Room 3 had seen a tiger, because there was a tiger shown in the story! This told us that we needed to adjust our question, in order to gather more data, so Bodhi suggested we change it to “Who has seen a real live tiger?”
We repeated our data collection and interpretation process and found that 14 Room 3 students have seen a tiger in real life, and only three haven’t. Finally, we presented our newfound data in a tally chart. Through this, we learnt how to pose and investigate a question, and that we can adjust it to gather new data to help further our investigations – all while learning more fun facts about our new classmates!