With writing achievement and literacy pedagogy consuming current political focus, some of Owairoa’s Senior School teachers recently displayed how engaging their learners in written tasks continues to be at the forefront of their thinking.
Following on from a respectful ANZAC assembly on the last day of Term One, the learners in M17 and M18 studied the difficult, dangerous situation many young Kiwi soldiers found themselves thrust into back in 1915. Armed with the knowledge that modern technology was unavailable to these brave New Zealanders, the boys and girls turned their attention to how communication was able to take place during a time of warfare. Thanks to the technological advances we now enjoy, our inquisitive educators were able to easily locate authentic examples of letters written from trenches to share with the children.
In order to bring this time of unrest to life and ensure that this meaningful topic was accessible to all, the lucky Year 5 and 6 learners were sent back in time through some creative amendments to their learning spaces. In a whirlwind lunchtime, both classrooms were transformed to resemble World War One trenches from which the learners must write letters home.
With added sound effects and foam ball grenades providing further contextual reinforcement, the learners experienced a unique writing lesson which delivered not just in producing quality engagement, but also acted as an excellent vehicle for some evocative writing. The adults involved were thrilled with the impact their inventive planning had on their classes and the memory of it is sure to sit long in the memories of the children who took part.