Returning to the new block in Term 3 has felt like coming back to a familiar place. So, what do some Year 5/6 learners think about our new space? Students surveyed other students, asked questions and summarised the answers.
What do you like about the new building? New carpets and classrooms, light and warm spaces, soft walls, dry corridors, cubbies, clean toilets, space to play handball, lots of areas to explore, being all together and closer to friends, inside layout … a new start.
What would you change? Less sand on the Astroturf, the colour, shelter for the Astroturf, close the gaps in the doors so it is quieter, an escalator instead of stairs, rubbish bin upstairs, open the Chinese Garden and the yellow slide … please.
What comments have you heard from friends? People are mostly following the lane rule on the stairs, the morning bell-song is fun, having an area for sport is great, I love the big TV, and the view … more freedom!
Many teachers and students feel like we have been here for much longer than the roughly 7 weeks we’ve been learning in the new block. While there are still some aspects of our new space to adjust to, all round we have settled in well. The memory making has begun!