In the Junior School we have been busy spending time preparing for our parent-teacher conferences. We are excited to show our whanau our classroom, share our achievements and talk about our goals for the year.
To prepare, we chose a piece of work that we were the proudest of in our Sharing Folders. written stories, photo pages from school trips, ANZAC Art and ISTEAM projects were just some of the pages we could choose to share. It was hard to make up our minds as there was so much learning that we were proud of! Once we chose our favourite piece, we discussed effective dialogue to use when sharing this page with our whanau. We practiced using these techniques with a buddy so we can show confidence.
We also cleaned and organised our classroom equipment. Everybody respects and cares for our learning space. It was nice to have it looking extra clean for when our whanau visit so they will be impressed!
Our preparation for this event allowed us to celebrate the success of our classmates. We had time to reflect on our own progress and theirs too. We are all so proud of each other’s learning journeys and wish each other the best for conferences.