From March 2nd to the 10th, Middle School embarked on an exciting journey into the depths of the ocean with our Sea Week celebration! Sea Week provides an opportunity for us to get to know our ocean, its habitats, characteristics, and inhabitants better. This year’s theme was “Ko au te moana, ko te moana ko au – I am the sea, the sea is me”. Middle School were well prepared with activities centred around marine life.
One of the highlights was creating underwater silhouettes of their favourite sea creatures. Learners crafted stunning artwork using pastel, dye, and paint. Learners put their creativity to work by designing a sea-themed bulletin board in the shared space outside M8. With vibrant colour and sea animal designs, the shared space transformed into an underwater paradise, captivating the attention of everyone who passed by.
Some Middle School learners explored the tales of Tangaroa and then crafted their own narratives and character descriptions. As they read their stories aloud, it was clear that Sea Week had sparked their imagination and ignited a passion for the ocean. Through these activities, learners gained a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the sea, and the creatures that call it home. M5 did research about their favourite sea creatures and published the report on a flip chart.
Sea Week at Owairoa Primary School was an enriching experience that widened our understanding of the ocean’s importance in our lives. Through engaging activities in Writing, Maths, Art, Reading, and ISTEAM, we not only learned about the diverse marine life but also developed a sense of responsibility towards our oceans.