Term 3 has been all about reducing, reusing and recycling our waste. Our Junior students have been learning about different materials and describing them using fabulous vocabulary such as flexible, rigid, soft, hard, absorbent, waterproof and many more. Have a discussion with your child to see how many different words they can use to describe the waste around your house.
We have also been looking at the impact of waste on the environment, whether in the playground, the wider community, and our oceans. During ISTEAM we are learning to plan our design and then create it using a range of different materials.
With the help and support from our wonderful teachers, we are in the middle of creating an item or two for a catwalk parade at the end of the term. This is great for reusing and recycling our plastic and cardboard waste. What could you make at home?
These learners in Room 2 have reused an old t-shirt to make a fashion accessory and are practicing their catwalk poses. What fabulous smiles!