Reduce, Reuse and Recycle was the theme of the entertaining Food Scrap show the Junior School had the privilege of watching during Week 10 of Term 1. The show was aimed at educating the learners about the new Food Scrap bins that have been rolling out in our community and all-over New Zealand, where Auckland Council want our rukenga kai to turn into clean energy and liquid fertiliser to grow more kai. The Junior School enjoyed learning about reducing our food waste and recycling to ensure our landfills are used for the correct purpose.
Freddy the Food Scrap fairy went on a journey to locate a missing sandwich that had been dumped into the incorrect bin and found its way to the landfill. Her adventure was filled with thrills, excitement and in the end, friendship. Through this story, the learners were able to learn what goes into each bin and how to sort out the different items. The learners participated in the show by identifying the different items that needed to either be recycled, reused or placed into the Food Scrap bin.
Owairoa became a Green Gold Enviro School in 2016 and we endeavour to educate our tamariki about reducing waste, reusing items and recycling different materials. This will be leading into our ISTEAM and Science programme where we will be exploring the Material World. We as a team, empower the learners to be Tidy Kiwi’s by picking up litter around our school, having a waste-free lunch and keeping their classrooms clean by using our recycling bins.