The year may be drawing to a close but for our Senior students, socialising with their friends is at the top of their minds. Days of being locked down are forgotten as they reconnect with their teachers and classmates. Memories are being made while we look back at the year and that has passed.
Senior students may have missed out on some activities over the past few months but there were definitely plenty of good times had throughout the year. Our Sailing days and Des Hunt visit were highlights with the students.
As we say goodbye to our Year 6 students, we can confidently say we have set them up to be happy, curious, and independent learners, who are ready for the big step of Intermediate School. As a final treat for the year Mr Whippy will be visiting with tasty treat for all. We wish the Year 6 all the best for the future and look forward to seeing our Year 5 students return in the new year.