It is hard to believe that we are getting closer to the end of yet another school term. And what a busy one it’s been! Is there a better way to celebrate a wonderful term than with an EMOJI DISCO? This event was a fantastic opportunity for our learners to get dressed up, let their hair down and have some fun while developing friendships too.
You wouldn’t have recognised our school Hall on Friday the 14th of June, as it was transformed into a wave of yellow emojis. There were love heart eyes, unicorns, aliens, spaceships and cool dudes…to name a few! The music was pumping, the glow sticks were beaming, the snacks were tantalizing, and the dance moves were absolutely electrifying! The parent helpers worked hard on the BBQ to ensure that there were sausage sizzles ready to feed hungry bellies after the event. After all, dancing can stir up quite the appetite!
There were some exciting spot prizes won throughout the afternoon. Well done to Natalia (Room G6) and Carter (Room 2) who were our best dancers, and to Peyton (Room G3) and Carter (Room 3) who won best dressed. Enjoy your Paradice Skating vouchers!
A very special mention to our fabulous PTA for such a successful disco. We cannot wait for the next one!