This week our Senior school students have been participating in our Positive Puberty programme with Educators from Nest Consulting. As this was the first year we have partaken in the course, parents were invited to an information evening where they were given a comprehensive overview of topics covered throughout the day. We had a lot of positive feedback from parents and would like to thank those people who attended.
The topic of Puberty can be scary and embarrassing for some, but the Educators were fabulous and made the children feel at ease. The attitude and maturity level of our students was impressive, and they happily contributed through the day.
It was a worthy reminder that our learners are growing up and beginning to go through changes, both physically and mentally. The programme covered how their bodies and emotions change, and the importance of exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Parents you may want to remind them of this talk when the bedtime arguments come up in your household!
Classroom teachers will be continuing a similar theme for the rest of term by including learning about friendships and self-esteem.