Some Year 4 students have been learning about little blue penguins. As part of an ISTEAM project Room 26 learners were given the challenge of designing and constructing a small home suitable for these very special and rare special birds.
Firstly they had to do research to find out what penguins’ requirements are. Little blue penguins like to live behind beaches in quiet protected areas and tend to be very private! Room 26 students were also able to call upon the knowledge of Owairoa’s very own Miss Sealy who is a Department of Conservation Ranger.
The penguin box photographed that these students built was given the following features: green colouring and leaf shapes for camouflage, internal foil layering for insulation, an intentionally small door/opening for protection against predators. It also had to be just the right size to attract the penguins.
Room 26 students were able to call upon the key competencies of thinking, relating to others, managing self, contributing and using language and texts. Owairoa Kiwis showing concern for and looking after New Zealand penguins!