Owairoa Primary School has hundreds of budding astronauts after our recent Simultaneous Storytime. This is an annual event organised by Australian Library and Information Association, and supported by Scholastic, to encourage reading aloud to children.
On Wednesday 19 May at 1pm NZ Time, over one million students in Australian and New Zealand schools, libraries and preschools were totally absorbed during a reading of “Give me Some Space!” by Philip Bunting.
This was a truly intergalactic event as NASA Space X Astronaut Shannon Walker’s reading of the book was beamed into our classrooms from the International Space Station.
In ISTEAM our learners have loved making all things space including spacesuits and rockets. They have been investigating, reading, and writing all about our Earth, the Sun and our Universe and space exploration in all curriculum areas.
Teachers and students all agreed that this was the best Simultaneous Storytime ever.