The Senior School has been getting ready for the conferences. We have been working hard on publishing our writing, having great pieces of art to display and practising our oral language skills. The children have been feeling proud of their work and their test results. Some children were quite nervous, as talking about their learning can be challenging. Everyone overcame these challenges and from the feedback, the conferences were a huge success.
Oral language is an important skill. To be able to communicate concisely and clearly is something we learn to do over time. The New Zealand Curriculum states:
“Communication skills are integral to the English curriculum and are developed through all three strands—oral, written, and visual language”, and “Competence in using information and communication technologies, essential for full participation in society and the world of work, is also part of the curriculum”.
Our learners used their profiles to do mock interviews with each other. It is quite difficult for some learners to share, so with continued practise they gained confidence in their ability to share. They really enjoyed having the time to clarify their thinking and decide what pieces of work they would share while in the interview.
We hope you as parents enjoyed hearing your children talking about their work and enjoyed the conference experience.