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International Blog

Owairoa Masterchef Competition

By July 24, 2020October 8th, 2020No Comments

Thursday 18 June 2020 was the day we were all looking forward to – Owairoa’s Masterchef competition!

The International parents were divided up into teams guided by staff from the International Department and the Principal. We were all given aprons to wear during the cooking session and then to keep as a memento of the occasion.

As many parents had previously requested to learn to make scones, this was the focus of the competition. Each team had a different type of scone to make namely cheese, lemonade and date.

The preparation was very secretive with instructions being whispered so that special hints and strategies could not be overheard by the other teams. As the scones were made, they went into the oven, vying for the best location on the racks! A couple of parents watched the scones cooking very carefully to ensure they came out at the correct time.

The remainder of the parents cleaned their table then set about decorating the serving platters. Great effort went into plate decoration with flowers and leaves from the garden, napkin folding and origami. The end results were fantastic.

After much deliberation, the judge finally chose date scones to be the winner, which meant that team won lunch with the Principal. What an exciting cooking lesson!!