The time has come to say goodbye. The old classrooms have been packed and moved, with the help of many fabulous parents and staff. The old B Block classes have been prepped and are ready for the trucks to come and take them away. They have been fabulous temporary rooms, but we are certainly not sad to be leaving them for our magnificent new block at the top of the school.
Year 3 students have shown resilience during the big move and excitement reached new heights this week as we enjoyed our first day in our new classrooms. The reaction from students as their new learning space came into view was indescribable, with many exclaiming how thrilled they were to be at the top of the school.
Highlights this week so far have been, being so close to the AstroTurf, the thought of a turn on the slide, hand dryers in the bathrooms, and counting how many steps up to their room. We are very proud at how well our learners have settled into the new rooms. Once again, we would like to thank parents for all your support and help with the move.