“Creating a safe and supportive environment for your child”
Our Extensive Facilities Include

- Specialist Information Communications Technology suite
- A fully equipped specialist Music Room
- High quality teaching and learning resources
- Extensive sporting and cultural facilities
- A large Hall with full stage production facility
- Large, open playing fields
- A well stocked and readily accessible Library/Information Centre which plays a key role in assisting students and staff achieve the educational aims of the school
- An established, well planned, landscaped environment
- After school classes, offering a variety of additional learning opportunities
- Several adventure playgrounds
- A fully networked computer system enabling all students to have ready access to the latest facilities
- Chinese Garden
- Nature Bush Walk and Native Tree Growing Facility
- Heated Swimming Pool
- Specialist Science Room
- Specialist English Transition rooms
- A large Astroturf all-year-round playing surface