On Monday 16th September, the annual Owairoa Sprints took place at the Howick Domain. Learners from Years 3-6 opted in to the event earlier in the term. The excitement levels were through the roof the morning of.
When they arrived at the Domain, the eager sprinters were keen to just get going but had to wait until lanes were organised. Each learner competed in a heat and those fortunate to be the top 3 of each heat went through to the semi-finals. We loved seeing our school RISE values in action as they cheered on their classmates and celebrated their placings.
As the final drew near, our sprinters became nervous but eager to race. BANG! Off went the clapper for the first final. BANG! BANG! BANG! Went Mr Basson’s clapper over and over until all races had a top 4, who will now represent Owairoa at the Interschools Competition in a few weeks time.
Congratulations to all those who partook in the 2024 Sprints event!