Room 13 received two new and rather unusual residents earlier this week. They ran around the courtyard during learning time, took frequent dips in the pool and made loud, strange noises. They were really quite uncontrollable!
Our new residents were in fact- two ducks! They provided endless entertainment as every person passing the pool commented on them as they sunbathed on the pool sides. Many reported that they were indeed the ducks that usually came to their house. Maybe they got lost?
After a leisurely swim and stroll around a newly grass sown field they would settle down to sample a myriad of foods left by their busy learner friends after morning tea. From inside Room 13 we could hear them happily conversing all day, but were never quite sure what they were saying.
Sadly, our ducks have now flown to new and probably quieter pastures. However we really miss them and hope they will visit again soon!