Team 1B is very excited to welcome Mrs Pieterse back to Owairoa Primary School, to start the first of the Year 0 classes for 2021.
Mrs Pieterse is an experienced Junior School teacher who has worked at Owairoa for many years. She is very excited about providing the New Entrant children with the best start to their schooling life. She has been working hard to create a caring place for the new five-year-olds as they start their educational journey.
On 7 June the first of many five-year-olds started their learning journey in in Room 5. The students have settled into Owairoa quickly and are enjoying the challenges that school brings. They have been able to understand classroom routines and expectations and make some new friends.
The students have enjoyed learning how to be an Owairoa Super Kid and we look forward to Term 3 and doing new and exciting learning activities.