It’s the little things in life that can bring excitement for our Year 1 learners.
An army of caterpillars have invaded the swan plants outside some of the Junior classrooms throughout the holiday break. Although they are small and some can be hard to find, the caterpillars have drawn serious groups of scientists this week.
With their observational skills, the learners of Year 1 have noticed that these caterpillars have indeed been getting bigger, longer, and fatter. “Perhaps it is The Very Hungry Caterpillar” says one keen scientist.
With specific words such as cocoon and chrysalis in the mix, discussions about their observations and investigations have made an impact on the understanding of what a caterpillar is and how they seem to magically appear into a beautiful butterfly! The process is called metamorphosis.
Some classes have even observed these butterflies fly into their classrooms and the swan plants have become a fabulous talking point at lunchtimes. Imagine having lunch with a caterpillar!