During Week 4 of Term 3 the Middle School was buzzing with the excitement created by Maths Week. NZ Maths Week is a week dedicated to the many skills and strategies associated with the teaching and learning of Maths.
Throughout the week students throughout the school participated in daily challenges during their scheduled Maths learning time. The learners took part in hands on challenges where teachers could be seen participating and getting involved.
To end the celebrations, on Friday the Middle School gathered on the astroturf and took part in fun activities where winners were awarded prizes and teachers got up to all sorts of antics, including students estimating how long they thought it would take for the Middle School teachers to get through a hulahoop with their arms linked.
Well done Middle School on completing the NZ Maths Week challenges and a huge thank you to the teachers for providing fun and entertainment, while at the same time teaching Maths!!