Today the Year 3s were keeping a close eye on the wall clocks in their classrooms, wishing for lunchtime to arrive faster, and not because they were hungry! It was the first Thursday of Term 4 and the ever-growing excitement in Rooms NB4–9 was palpable.
Suddenly, the long-anticipated bell rang! Teachers dismissed students for lunch-eating time, another 15 minutes before . . . the safety gate was unlocked, the super slick yellow slide was opened up for business, and today it was for Year 3s only!
It didn’t take long for squeals of delight to be heard, as students made their way up the stairs of our new two-storey block and lined up by the gate. Today was the first lunchtime that they were able to go up and down the new slide as many times as they liked. Large numbers of Year 3s certainly made the most of this exciting new lunchtime adventure.
Instantly noticeable, the slide is a huge feature of the new classroom block and students had been eager to whoosh down its slick surface. The rush of adrenaline as students zoomed down at speed, made it seem that lunchtime slid by just that little bit faster today. Year 3s are already counting the days till next Thursday.