Is it rocky? Is it the smallest? Is it the largest? Is it one of the gas giants? Extremely cold or extremely hot? If you want an answer to these questions or any other questions you might have about the planets in our solar system you need to ask the Year 2 learners.
Our focus in Science this term was the Sun and our Solar System and the students were fascinated and deeply engaged in learning. It was extremely rewarding to observe the student’s eagerness to discover the mysteries and the enormity of space.
The students are now better prepared to understand the importance of our star the sun and the way it influences life on earth, they can explain the succession of the seasons and how day and night happen, how they can use the sun’s position in the sky to measure time and can talk about the conditions that made life on earth possible.
Their vocabulary include now words like orbit, rotation, tilted, gravity, and many other interesting topic related terms.
To top up the excitement of learning, in Term One we were lucky enough to have 29 days in February. Yes, it was a Leap Year. If you don’t know what it means and why we have leap years ask a Year 2 student. I am sure that they will be happy to explain.