We were delighted to welcome our students back to school from the 18th November. After many weeks of Online Learning the students were pleased to be seeing their teacher and friends face to face. Our learners are to be commended for being able to say goodbye to their parents each morning at the school gate and walk into school independently. Even the newly enrolled students were able to come into school with confidence.
Our students have been very focused in their learning and have enjoyed many activities within their own “class bubble”. They were happy to play in their designated areas with their classmates. Many seemed to enjoy being in a smaller class. We learnt new words such as “social distancing” and “hand sanitising”.
Unfortunately many of the extra activities that were planned had to be cancelled. We did however, have the annual Food Bank Appeal and the children were excited to wear a Christmas accessory to school in exchange for bringing a food item to school for the appeal.
Our Year 0 students have had a very different start to their “school journey”. No doubt, one they will remember forever and will speak about to future generations over time.
Owairoa wishes you all a Happy Christmas and hopefully a normal return to school next year.