At Owairoa Primary School we value the idea of developing problem-solving skills in all our learners. Problem solving and teamwork are essential in society and the best way to grow these important fundamental skills is through relevant and fun activities in our ISTEAM sessions.
Here at Owairoa ISTEAM (Inquiry, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) has a day dedicated to it each week throughout the school where students follow the process of design, create, test and modify their creations. Teachers integrate this into other curriculum areas to promote and develop key understandings.
This week has been Māori Language Week and the learners in Room M1 have been learning about important Harakeke (flax) and what it was used for. They celebrated Māori Language Week by reading, writing and creating Art based around Maui and the Sun. For their ISTEAM day they designed and created a net that could have been used to slow the sun’s journey across the sky using modern day materials. This process developed the children’s key competencies at the same time as having great fun and making a great mess!