With the slight hiccup of a 3-day lockdown the Seniors have started the year with a hiss and a roar. Extra curricular activities have started already with many senior students trialling for sports teams, choir, Kapa Haka and other school initiatives.
Many senior students also have school responsibilities in other areas such as being peers and role models to our Junior school. We encourage students to immerse themselves into the Senior school by taking on these responsibilities.
House Leaders have been introduced and are vying for house points already. The race is on for the best House of Term 1.
Classroom timetables and are well underway and we are making use of the school pool during the last of these bright summer days. The Science room is back in action with the topic for this semester being the Living World.
Friday is our ISTEAM day with planning, designing, and building going on in classrooms already. In the photo below, you can see one student in Room 22 proudly showing the Treaty House he designed and built during an ISTEAM day. ISTEAM is a firm favourite with our Senior students many of whom already have aspirations of being engineers, designers and scientists.
Fingers crossed we can enjoy the rest of the term with no more interruptions.