During Science this term, the Year 3s have been learning about animals, the food chain, skeletons, and the digestive system. The learners carried out an experiment that outlined how the food we consume is broken down during the digestion process.
We started the lesson off by watching “Operation Ouch”. The scientists explored the inside of Dr Chris’s digestive system using a super cool camera pill. We observed Dr Chris eating a gummy bear and followed the journey of how the gummy got broken down through the digestive process. The learners were so amazed to watch the real-life footage of the digestive system in action.
We then carried out an experiment, where the learners placed a couple of biscuits (food) in a clear, re-sealable storage bag (stomach) and added lemon juice (hydrochloric acid). The students were encouraged to pretend their fingers were the muscles inside their stomach, to show how the stomach moves and churns the food to break it down.
The learners were thoroughly engaged and showed great interest in learning about the human body!