The Junior School have been busy learning lots about plants.
Mrs Rice came to visit our classrooms and read the story “Mrs Rice and the Beanstalk”. Then much to our excitement she introduced a Beanstalk Growing Competition and wished us well with our magic beans. That’s when it all began…
We planted our magic seeds in yoghurt containers, we loved getting our hands dirty! Then we made an Owairoa Castle to put in our yoghurt pots to support the beans as they grow taller. Now it’s crunch time! The competition is on, and prizes will be awarded for the tallest bean stalk in each class.
Although we are very excited to watch our beans grow, we are thankful for the sense of responsibility and independence that this planting has taught us. We know that to take care of something, you must learn about what it needs and nurture it.
We can’t wait to watch our plants grow and sprout delicious beans that we can eat for dinner!