After the long summer holiday, Senior school classes have enjoyed meeting up with friends, being introduced to new classmates and getting to know their teachers for 2023.
The 10 senior classes of Year 5 and 6 spent the first few weeks of school finding out a bit about each other. Activities included creating quizzes about oneself and then testing each other to reveal characteristics of each other’s personalities. One class transformed their names into graffiti art in the style of the cubist pop artist, Romero Britto. Others created art based on the first letter of their name.
Some getting to know each other activities included icebreaker games and Who are We? Bingo. Learners created information pieces including interesting aspects of their nationalities, as well as flags they identify with. Mural art covers the walls of the senior school in the form of All about me Hoodies, Information Cubes, My Shoe designs, and All about me cell phones, with apps linked to hobbies and interests. In one class, Spelling rotation has even included learning to spell each other’s names!
Students have learnt about each other in creative and fun ways. Seniors are being equipped for the journey of learning to respect and work alongside each other.