In the Senior School, International Students have been arriving and leaving, over the past school weeks. Learners have been working alongside each other on their Reading, Writing and Maths. Playing together has become a noticeable theme during break times.
Witnessing students getting along, even though they don’t know each other, is no more evident than on the Senior School Astroturf. Here, ball games are played with passionate enthusiasm. Lively shouts, in all languages represented, can be heard as players run up and down, using a set of rudimentary rules for their sport.
Whether it be using a handball, basketball, rugby ball or soccer ball, set games are being played across and in between this desirable space. Confusing as it may seem to bystanders, everyone playing knows exactly what is going on. Well, most of the time.
Any bells sending off players due to rain are met with reluctant sighs. The eager students wait impatiently undercover for the rain to pass, sprinting back onto the turf once play is resumed.
One can only wonder what memories are being made, and what zealous thoughts might be recalled in the future. Coaching about collaboration, communication, and how to get along with others from different countries, are sure lessons being learnt.