What a busy term and how much learning we did already! As we are getting closer to the end of Term 1, it is time to stop for a second and reflect on the fantastic start to the new year. What did we achieve so far?
We got to meet our new Teachers and classmates, we made new friends and our parents were invited to meet the Teachers during the Open Home event.
We are doing phonics, reading and writing everyday and our structured literacy programme helps us to become fantastic readers and writers. We are working in our new Maths Workbooks and we learned about number bonds, number stories and picture stories that can help us to solve addition and subtraction problems.
In Science we learned about plants, the parts of a plant and their function, we know what a plant needs to thrive and we are growing our own radish and pea plants. To complement our learning the whole Junior school went on an unforgettable trip to the Botanic Gardens.
On top of all these we had swimming lessons, we had assemblies, we learned new songs, we listened to stories, we did Art and worked on ISTEAM projects. Wow!
We are looking forward to what of the rest of the term and year will bring, and we are getting really excited about the big Owairoa Splash and Dash fundraising event. Go Team 2!