An air of anticipation and excitement has been developing across the Senior school classes. For quite some time Senior students have watched the construction process of the new building. Many have moved classrooms, adapted to different play areas, and practiced the important social skill of waiting.
More recently, the building noises have been replaced by a new calm, as barrows of soil and tubs of plants have filled the landscape. From many classrooms, students watched with keen eyes as the brightly coloured shade sails were anchored across the new outdoor area. Wooden seating has been constructed. Often in the early morning, workers can be seen cleaning windows and putting into place the final touches.
Our learners have been patient. Students will be rewarded with open spaces, brand new classrooms, shaded play areas and a cool, yellow slide. Not to mention the Astroturf. Whenever this is spoken of, a flurry of excited conversation arises. The wait is nearly over. In fact, by the time you are reading this, you may have heard all about the big move from one of our amazing, resilient, Senior learners.