2022 has brought opportunity across the senior school for our students to engage in school-wide duties and activities. It has been a few years since they have had the freedom to fully serve in this capacity.
The list of duties is extensive. It involves everything from helping to look after junior classes on wet days, shadowing duty teachers to assist with playground situations, monitoring the Chinese Garden and Bush Walk, watching for safety issues on the popular yellow slide, mediating, helping out in the Science room, or even bringing surprise excitement to classes as birthday singers move around handing out cards.
The chance to be involved has also been offered to Year Fives. Those interested applied for librarian duties and there were many kaitiaki who stepped up to serve with all types of enviro projects.
With the new build finished, we now have open green spaces where a hive of activity can be seen at lunchtimes. Students have enjoyed planting seedlings and in the busyness they have made new friends. There is a flourish of flowers and vegetables to admire as one walks around, evidence of how our young citizens are learning to serve.