It’s been a busy week in Team 3 with aerodynamics, glyphs and physics all topics of discussion – and that’s just the start!
Room 36 became expert code crackers this week with their backpack glyphs, while Room 33 put their engineering hats on to see who could build the tallest tower using only scissors, glue and two pieces of paper.
Rooms 34 and 35 learnt a new word this week – perseverance! And persevere they did, to make five popsicle sticks hold each other together without any glue or string. After many attempts (and some classmate help!), everyone proudly showed off their structures.
Over in Room 32, aerodynamic was the word as competition heated up between groups as they worked to design and make the best paper plane.
Meanwhile next door, Room 31 were busy exploring different states of matter by creating bubble art to show the effect of liquids and gases. The result? Beautiful Science cover pages.
We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring!