In Week 8 the Seniors School students and the Year 4 classes were lucky enough to attend a theatrical performance by the touring group Go Theatre Physical. The performance was a comedy, drama ‘how-to’ and covered science history and adventure.
The students enjoyed watching “Jess” stuck at home during lockdown, who then travels through a portal and falls through time. On her journey she lands in 1885 in Louis Pasteur’s laboratory and is bitten by a rabid dog where she is vaccinated with Louis Pasteur’s revolutionary new vaccine, visits Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in 1603 as the bubonic plague strikes, and meets the ‘Father of Immunity’, Dr Jenner, and the man with cows growing out of his body.
Over the course of the performance students laughed, giggled and learnt about some key aspects of science history with humour and adventure. They are all looking forward to the next school event!