Chinese Language Week was celebrated from 25th September through till 1st October. Many Senior classes read stories and learnt about the Chinese Language during the week. They loved learning about the culture and some fun phrases such as:
Hello: Nǐhǎo (Nee how)
Thank you: Xièxiè (Shieh-shieh)
You’re welcome: Bù kèqì (Boo kuh-chi)
Good morning: Zǎo (Zhow)
Goodnight: Wǎn ān (One-un)
Classes also spent time creating art inspired by the language. One class had students become leaders and plan, run, and execute art lessons. There were drawings and sketches of dragons, perspective art of the Great Wall of China, cherry blossoms and intricate, detailed paper lanterns.
It was very powerful to see the Chinese Language come to life in the Senior school classrooms.