Students in Year 4 returned to school this term with smiling faces, eager to learn about the celebration of Matariki, the Māori New Year.
Matariki is a special occasion in the New Zealand calendar which marks the start of the Māori New Year. Signified by the Matariki cluster of stars that appear in the early morning sky in New Zealand during the mid-winter months, this is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead.
Students in Room M2 enjoyed creating beautiful kites as part of their Matariki studies, while the other Year 4 students decorated stars and learned more about the stories and traditions connected to this event.
Dancing the Matariki macarena was another favourite activity for all and proved a great way for our tamariki to remember the names of the seven stars: Matariki, Pōhutukawa, Tupuānuku, Tupuārangi, Waitī, Waitā, and Ururangi.