Why? Because at Owairoa Primary School we value handwriting and we take pride in presenting our work neatly.
Handwriting is an important part of our weekly program in the Junior School and it continues to be a focus in the upper levels of the school as well. Our aim is to teach children to write legibly, fluently, without strain and with sufficient speed for practical purposes.
The letter shapes and formation taught are the ones outlined in the Ministry of Education’s publication Teaching Handwriting. The children in Junior School have a sheet with the correct shape and formation of the letter families in their Home Learning Books so whanau can support their child at home.
Along with letter formation we are paying attention to the children’s grip and their posture when writing. Regular instruction, practise, and teacher modelling are the key to the learners’ achievement. At all levels, children are aware of the expectations and of the criteria, which helps them to become successful.