Team 1 learners have had a great start to the year settling into their new classes.
We have been busy getting to know our teachers and new classmates, as well as learning how to be an Owairoa SuperKid. We have had lots of fun in class and on the playground, but the biggest highlight so far has definitely been getting to experience our Specialist Classes.
All of our learners thoroughly enjoyed their first iSTEAM session of the year, where we work together to solve real life problems. Room 4 learners were bubbling with excitement about their challenge which was based around their Shared Book “Bubbles”. They collaborated to find a solution to their real life problem – their teacher had bought lots of cheap bubble wands…but the wands kept breaking! Room 4 learners brainstormed and decided to create their own bubble wands out of paper clips. Through trial and error they found what parts their creations needed to blow the biggest bubbles and worked together to keep improving them.
We are so excited to see what the rest of the year will bring!