Term 2 in the Senior School began with a focus on the lifelong skill of reading. In Y5/6, students are expected to use their reading skills within every lesson and across all learning areas. Teachers concentrate on different ways to assist learners to: think critically, answer questions, express opinions, improve reading comprehension, generally read more … and hopefully enjoy it.
This term some students have committed to a Literacy Pro rotation. Students do an online quiz which determines their reading level. Then they read and read and read! After writing a book review and taking a quiz on each book, they get to enjoy choosing another one to delve into. After 4 weeks, learners take a final quiz. So far, many students have improved their scores, which means prioritising reading shows results.
Classes have also set up Reading Challenges during Term 2, encouraging students to read widely. Seniors have hunted for books that they might not usually select to read, finding these at home, at school, in the library or online. By challenging themselves to tackle different books, students have stretched their knowledge and vocabulary. Many have found new genres to enjoy reading within.
Some students have worked with teachers to set themselves goals. Classes have set rewards to be collected at the end of Term 2. Celebrating each other’s progress is the aim. Finding creative and interesting places to read has been fun. Reading here, reading there, reading everywhere!
So, keep a look out, you might find that someone has found a spot to sit or rest with a good book, one they simply cannot put down.