Spring is on its way and the first days of warmer weather have come with a nice surprise for our Owairoa learners.
One quiet September morning, a truck and a group of workers turned up at our gates and just like magic…the fence around the field disappeared. After two years out of action, suddenly the students were able to reclaim the green grass carpet that has seen so many rugby and football games, so many races and so many other games and so many friendships forged.
Timidly at first, the students started to take back ownership of their treasured playing field, somehow scared to step on the emerald, fresh blades of grass. But in no time, every little patch of the turf was filled with running children, flying balls, and sounds of joy.
Some students wanted a more sensorial experience and decided to roll on the green carpet while others had an involuntary closer look after they had a fall. Some uniforms might have shown the signs of the close contact, but no tears were shed. Our Junior students were not afraid to reclaim their patch of the field and join in the fun.