Term 4 has started with a hiss and roar with our Junior School welcoming three new teachers to the team. Miss Garrett has joined Room 7, Miss Oed has joined Room 1 and Mrs Pieterse has opened our last new entrant class for the year in Room 5. Learners arrived back to school feeling fresh after the holidays and full of excitement and enthusiasm for the last term of the year.
The new term has also brought out the Spring weather and we are now in summer uniform with short sleeves and sandals. This includes hats which must be worn anytime the children are outside so please remind children to wear their named hat to and from school.
Term 4 will be a busy for the Junior school with our Poetry competition, Hobby Day, where the children can showcase their talents, and of course the end of year concerts with preparations well underway already. The most exciting though according to the children is Fruju Friday which has started up again. Ice blocks can be purchased in front of Room 4 so please support our PTA each Friday afternoon.